تعداد مقالات: 1,558

1201 Evaluation of different stocking density on some biochemical factors of blood serum in cultured great sturgeon juveniles (Huso Huso Linnaeus, 1754)
Hojatollah Jafaryan، Mohammadreza Bivareh، samira Jafaryan، Normohammad Makhtomi
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (25.41 K)

1202 The role of biofouling in cultivation of marine fish in cage
Mohammad Sudagar، Delara Sepehrfar
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (25.41 K)

1203 The criteria for introducing the appropriate places studied and the type of cages proposed for the Caspian Sea fields
Ali Izadi
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (75.94 K)

1204 The effect of rosemary bathing on Gyrodactylus sp. frequency in gill of common carp juveniles (Cyprinus carpio)
Sarah Haghparast، Zahra Ghanbarazizadeh
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (77.57 K)

1205 Changes of some biological data of common kilka Clupeonella cultriventris caspia on the coast of Iran (2005 – 2015)
Ali-Asghar Janbaz، Hassan Fazli، Kambiz Khedmati، Gholam-Reza Daryanabard، Mohammad-Ali Afraei، Faramarz Bagher-Zadeh
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (267.16 K)

1206 Investigating of different diet combination on the sexual process of Western White Shrimp Female broodstocks
D. Ajdari، N. Vadiati
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (178.34 K)

1207 Application of horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas eggs peri-vitelline fluid on rat wound
M.I.M. Faizul، A. Christianus، S.Y. Latifah
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (158.6 K)

1208 Shrimp fisheries management in the Hormozgan Province
M. Momeni، M. Darvishi، A. Salarpouri، S. Behzadi، M. Safaei
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (105.52 K)

1209 Monitoring of white spot syndrome disease in carriers and crustaceans isolated from water intake areas leading to shrimp aquaculture stations in Hormozgan province using molecular markers''
S. Tamadoni Jahromi، M. Gozari، S. Pourmozaffar، H. Rameshi، K. Ejlali Khaneghah
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (105.21 K)

1210 The effect of different densities on the profitability of Litopenaeus vannamei rearing at the earthen pond
M.K. Pazir، A. Fathi، E. Mohammadi، M.A. Nazari
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (84.03 K)

1211 Slipper Lobsters, an economic species in the aquaculture industry
D. Ajdari
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (84.3 K)

1212 A comparative study on the shrimp culture practices of Litopenaeus vannamei with automatic feeder and boat feeding technique along Karaikal region.
N. Inayathullah
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1213 Bioremediation Technology Using Quantum Powder and Oxygen Powder to Degrease and Clean the Floor of Shrimp Culture Soil Ponds
M. Salehi، R. Faizbakhsh، S. Aziz Mofrad
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (123.19 K)

1214 The relationships between catch per unit area (CPUA) in jinga shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis) and ecological parameters in the North West Persian Gulf
H. Ansari، S. Sargazi، M. Torfi Mozanzade، S. Dehghan Madise
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (96.57 K)

1215 Effect of dietary ImmunoWall on liver oxidative status in juvenile Persian sturgeon
M. Monsef Shokri، S. Yousefi، A. Yousefi Jourdehi، S. Jamshidi
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (175.39 K)

1216 Effects of supernurients on some stress and biochemical indices in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
H. Haghighi، M. Bamani، A. Yousefi Jourdehi، A. Zamini
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (84.42 K)

1217 Study of properties of protein hydrolysates from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844)) viscera using Alcalase enzyme
Hakimeh Fekrandish، Gholamreza mansouri
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (395.44 K)

1218 Greenhouse Tilapia Culture in aquaponic system
N. Mashaii، F. Rajabipour، H. Hosseinzadeh، M. Hafezieh
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (104.6 K)

1219 Changes in some reproductive indices of male Angel brood stocks, Pterophyllum Scalare, in exposure to electromagnetic waves
M. Ahmadnezhad، M. Sayad Bourani، S. Dejandian، A. Hosseinjani، E. Sadeghinezhad، Sh. Behmanesh، Sh. Dadgar، M. Sharifiyan
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (84.43 K)

1220 A review of biofuel creatures in marine aquaculture and the impact of biological and non-biological parameters on their populations
Reza Safari، Zahra Yaghoubzadeh، Ayyob Davoodi
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (132.69 K)

1221 Determination of artificial propagation biotechniqe of Rohu rohita in order to increased production and species diversity in the warm water fish system Hamilton, 1822
M. Yooneszadeh Feshalami، H. Hossein zadeh Sahafi، S.A. Mortazevizadeh، F. Amiri، S. Nazem roaya، F. Hekmatpur
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (162.25 K)

1222 Comparative Study of Hormonal Stimulation of HCG, PG-extract and Ovaprim on Thermal Accumulation Period and Egg Production in Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella
K.A. Khalaf، S.S. Al-Noor، N.A. Salman
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (83.32 K)

1223 Applying the Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) marine cage Aquaculture
Hojatollah Foroughi Fard، Kiumars Rohani Ghadiklaai، Mohammad Reza Zahedi، Maryam Moezi، Isa Abdol- Aliyan
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (208.87 K)

1224 Rearing of wild sturgeon broodstock propagated using oviduct microicision method
A. Yousefi Jourdehi، M. Bahmani، A. Shenavar Masouleh، R. Kazemi، A. Hallajian، M. Pourdehghani، A. Alipour، J. Jalilpour، M. Mohseni، Z. Pajhand، M. Yarmohammadi، R. Ghorbani Vaghei، M. Monsef Shokr، S. Yousefi
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (83.63 K)

1225 Study of the effect of pomegranate juice on the chemical, oxidative and sensory properties of marinade (Chelon subviridis (Valenciennes, 1835)) stored in the refrigerator
Hakimeh Fekrandish، Anise Jamshidi، Zeynab Neidi
مشاهده مقاله | اصل مقاله (192.16 K)